Welcome to Agape Family Wellness Center
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Agape Family Wellness Center

Family, the cradle of society, today in the whole world, is being challenged from a host of forces and that cause it to crumble. Some of the challenges are internal, and some others are external. Kerala is also no exception to this phenomenon. For the proof, one only needs to look at our newspapers and TV. Almost every day the media tell us about crime, abuse, uncontrolled sexuality, poverty-stricken families, neglected children, drug and alcoholic abuses, suicides, activities of militant groups, murder, theft etc.

It is important at the outset to mention that there is a mutual dependence between society and the family. Society depends much on the family and society in its turn influences the family. The economic, social, psychological and civil climate of today has a severely disturbing effect on family life

Family is life, they are everything we need when we’re in trouble or we just need support. Family is the one that has our back and the one we count on as we celebrate our success or mourn our losses. Family laughs with us, cries with us, but is always ready to support us whenever we need it. This doesn’t mean that families don’t have problems. Each family is unique and each family has its problems and issues. But some most common family problems plague each family alike. No family is without a little dysfunction. But no matter how many problems your family seems to be facing, all it takes is one of you to identify the problems at hand, work through them, and break the chain for future generations. Understanding what causes the problems to arise in the first place, the different kinds of family problems, and how you can control them before they get out of control can help you prevent family conflicts and disagreements in the future.

For the past 32 years Agape had been dealing with many families going through crisis and conflicts. With the rise in the number of family issues Agape is looking forward for specific programmes to reach out families in need of help and support. Agape is proposing a set of activities focusing on building strong and healthy family, which will be implemented during the course of the program for the families, couples, children, teens & adolescents, Elderly couples, Individuals, Spiritual leaders. These activities are divided under two aspects: -
Preventive aspect
Curative aspect